Mike Holt Capacitor – Electrical and Safety Courses
We are focused on the apprentice, journeyman, contractor, or any who want to increase their knowledge and skill in understanding basic electrical theory. We start at the atomic structure of an atom and work our way up through series, parallel, and combination series-parallel circuits. What is electricity, how does it behave, and what are the uses, benefits, and dangers of this energy? While it is a serious energy to deal with, you can still have fun and excitement as you learn about this fascinating energy. You will be able to design your course with our professional help. Your journey from new worker to apprentice, to journeyman, to master electrician will begin now. If you are an existing apprentice, journeyman, or Contractor/Master, you can benefit from this program. We have over 160 students at present globally, benefiting from the world-class program. CALL FOR DETAILS!